Monday, July 27, 2009

Mama, I marry you?

One afternoon recently while Bella & I were coloring together (Joshua was trying to assist, but instead was actually really just stressing Isabella out!) she says, "Mama loves Bella, Mama loves Sissy (Victoria), Mama loves Joshy, Mama loves Daddy, Daddy loves Mama, Daddy marry to Mama, Mama marry to Daddy."

Then she paused and looked up at me and asked,"Ummm...Mama? You love me?"
I said, "Ofcourse I love you baby."
She thought and thought for a moment, then asked, "Mama, I marry you? You marry me, Mama?"
I giggled a little bit then said, "Well, I can't marry you, I'm already married to Daddy."
She gave me a sad'ish, grumpy'ish look, crossed her arms, pouted her lips and said, "Hmmmph."
I tried so hard not to laugh! I literally had to bite my lip a little! She looked so stinkin' cute!
Anyway, I hugged her and said, "Oh honey, I love you very much, and someday you will get married too, just like Mama."
She giggled and squealed, "I married too?"
Again, trying not to laugh I said, "Yes, to handsome young prince...who loves Jesus."
Her eyes got so sparkly and she squealed, "Yay!"

That made me kind of teary think of my little baby girl getting married someday. How right now I am everything to her, but not forever. Someday a man will enter into her world and steal her heart. I actually pray for him now. When I say my prayers before bed, I often pray for all of my children's spouses and even their parents. I pray that God leads them and protects them. John Piper said in a blog that he hoped that whomever married his daughters would first have to fall in love with God to find them. I can't remember his exact words, but it was something like, My hope is that my daughter would fall so much in love with God that the young man would have to find God also in order to find his daughter, what a beautiful illustration!

I pray with all of my heart that the boys who enter into my daughters' hearts have only found her because he has already fallen so deeply in love with our saviour Jesus Christ, who has led him to her. This hope is also for my sons too. My prayer is that all of my children and their future spouses will have a true, sincere and genuine relationship with our Heavenly Father, that they will become true children of our King of Kings, which will indeed make them princes & princesses of the Greatest King, and that they will allow Him to guide and guard their hearts.

I do truly pray that my daughters will someday marry handsome young princes, and my sons will someday marry beautiful young princesses...who love Jesus!