Dear Family and Friends,
Another year has gone by...and way too stinking quickly! Can I tell you a secret? So, I completely forgot to mail out our Christmas letter from last year! Haha! After typing it up and stuffing the envelopes, the kiddos got sick and I put them up for safekeeping and then literally forgot all about them until I just found them put “safely” away yesterday! Sigh...Oh well!
I hope and pray as this year comes to an end, and as you look back, that you are flooded with wonderful memories! I pray that your times of happiness, were truly joyous and that your heartbreaks, may have been comforted...And all year long, surrounded in love!
We had quite the year! New adventures, unexpected blessings and the same fun everyday busyness that keeps us on our toes! I noticed when I look back, I’m often exhausted at just the thought of having done all that...Hahaha!
So, please sit back and enjoy a little bit of our life...
Victoria, John and I flew to California over Thanksgiving to spend some time with my father, Russ. I’m sure most of you know by now, with all of my social media postings that he had BOTH heart and liver transplants! He is doing wonderfully! He’s now out of the hospital, which he is absolutely thrilled about, and is renting an apartment just down the street from the hospital. He still has a long way to go with recovery, but we are truly thankful with his progress. Gary will be flying back to spend some time with him during the recovery period this coming February. I’m a little jealous, but because his immune system is very sensitive right now, he can’t be around little ones. So, I’m thankful Gary can go to help him. Dad will also be receiving a kidney sometime in 2019 after his recovery period from the current transplants. I would so greatly appreciate your continued prayers for him!
Our family is contemplating something pretty huge for 2019...Purchasing and remodeling our current home that we are renting (we’ve lived here since mid 2010) or moving into a new home in a different neighborhood. We see lots of pro’s and con’s in doing both, so this is a really tough decision! Many prayers appreciated for God’s very clear direction!
And now onto the kiddos…
Victoria - She’s been keeping herself super insanely busy with work, dance, acting in community plays and her boyfriend, Jacob...Haha! She took this school semester off for two reasons...One, she’s now taken all of the classes they offer pertaining to her major, AND two...She was recently accepted into the university that she originally really wanted to attend!!! Woo-Hoo!!! Unfortunately, when she first applied, her high school grade point average wasn’t as awesome as she is...Haha! She never pouted, threw herself a pity party or gave up! Instead she enrolled at a local community college and busted her chops! She fully intended on attending there for about two years and then “hopefully” transferring over afterwards. Well, it was only a year later that she was accepted because she incredibly rocked out her GPA!!! I am so proud of her hard work, determination and tenacious spirit! So this winter she’ll be joining their theater department amongst all other activities that include all things dance, acting, singing, music...basically performing!
Jordan - Well, this crazy kid just turned 18 years old on the 14th of December!!! He’s legally an adult...Ahhh!!! Thank goodness he knows that he still needs us, cause I’d completely freak out if he thought any different...Haha! No seriously, he’s a great kid and honestly, I know he’ll do great things! He’s a Senior this year, which means he’s graduating! He has no plans, as of now, to attend a four year college. His grades are awesome and his teachers, both former and currently, adore him! He says that he’s just tired of “the game” of school. To hear his reasoning, it’s hard to argue...He’s a great persuader! I don’t know, maybe he should go into politics...Haha! He is though thinking about some business schooling. He wants to go into business with dad and get involved into community. His heart is huge and his dreams are big! I know God has plans for our guy!
Kaylie - She’s a Sophmore in high school and all about her phone...Haha! She’s taking Drama this year and isn’t quite sure if it’s for her just yet, but is sticking it out! She’s still involved in her art and is talented! Music and her boyfriend, Xavier are her favorite interests! She truly enjoys her alone time, just sitting in her room and either drawing, listening to music or scrolling on her phone. But, there are plenty of times that girl will be right at your side keeping you company, talking your ear off as she helps you cook dinner or wash the dishes She’s really becoming her own person and trying to figure out this thing called life! I told her when she gets it all, to tell me ‘cause I’m trying to do the same...Haha!
Grace - 8th grade...Her last year of Middle School! And, she’s ready for it to be over...Haha! Us...No, not so much! She’s continuing with Choir this year and is really doing a fabulous job! She’s even taught herself to play the ukulele by watching YouTube videos! I would say singing, music and makeup are for sure this girl’s passions right now! She often spends time in her room writing songs and singing. She says that if she isn’t a singer one day, she’d like to be a makeup artist. She’s very detail oriented, so I could totally see that about her! This girl is a big dreamer and she’s got the talent to achieve them, so I say dream on!
Isabella - This year Bella is attending our local Catholic school and is in the 6th grade. We were all pretty nervous about sending her to school, but that girl not only took it really well, but jumped right in! She’s involved in almost every single thing there is to be involved in available to her! Basketball, flag football, choir, band club, drama club and then once spring sports start, she’ll be involved in those too! I really tried to stop her and get her to slow down, but that just made her desire to fly like the little social butterfly she is, worse! Hahaha! So, I figured I’d just let her try all the things...all of them...and let her decide what she likes and what she doesn’t. Problem is, she literally likes everything! Every...thing! So, obviously she’s doing awesome and we’re really glad we made this decision. So is she...even though she won’t admit to it. Who wants to admit they like school? We ask how her day went and she’ll answer, “Well, you know, it’s school and whatever…” Hahaha! Ya, she’s just way too cool, you know?
Joshua - Big 4th grader over here! He’s got so many interests, but mostly it’s video games...and YouTube...Haha! That boy has all of the Fortnite secrets to win the game and even all those crazy dances down! Speaking of dance...He really has got some moves of his own! And he can sing too! His favorite band right now is Imagine Dragons. I actually really like them too! He will play songs over and over until he knows them word for word and then have us sit down so he can put a show on for us! I just love it! This past year he took a hiphop class which really seemed to get him out of his shy shell and made him super brave! He even wanted to audition for a community production of Charlotte’s Web. He ended up not getting a part, but only because the schedule would have interfered with baseball. He’s all signed up for hiphop again this year, which starts up in January and he’s already been practicing his moves...Haha!
Bryanna - Our little baby girl is in 2nd grade! What?! I have to keep reminding myself that she’s not still 3 years old...Hahaha! Sigh...Goes by just way too fast! She’s still very much into all things girly, frilly, glittery and magical! And, if it has rainbows, unicorns and mermaids included...Bonus!!! She’s doing ballet, tap and jazz again this year...this is her 4th year in dance and she is loving it! She says that she wants to be a dance teacher when she grows up...or an astronaut. She also says that she wants 10 kids...Haha! She does baby her little brother...and our cats Nacho and CoCo!
John - Our littlest baby is 2 years old! And he sure is a spitfire!!! I used to laugh off when people would say “terrible two’s”. I still do, but I kind of get it now...Haha! I would say it’s “rambunctious two’s” or maybe “dangerous two’s” or more like “I am going to place myself in complete and utter danger two’s”...You know? Something like that. He has no fear! He will climb up and jump off of anything! I try to tell him that mama has a heart condition, but nah, he’s not hearing any of it! He also has such a creative imagination! He will come up with the cutest things and want you to come and play too! “I’m a big big dino! See me Mama? I’m gonna get you! Play dinos Mama? Please?” How could I ever say no? And, he’s got quite the sense of humor already! We might be in trouble as he gets older...Haha! He’s going to have a sarcastic streak, I can totally tell! But, he also has a precious, sweet and sensitive heart. Little John is the most snuggliest, cuddliest, lovingliest baby boy in the whole entire universe! I soak up those cuddles, ‘cause one day...Nope, not even going there right now! He’s still totally my baby boy...That’s it...The end!
As for Gary - His business continues to flourish modestly year by year. Each year doubling in revenue. God is truly blessing him! He is very excited for this coming new year! 2019 is already looking very promising in the areas of growth...New staff and new clients! We pray the Lord continues to provide in huge ways!
And then me, Christina…or Tina! - Well, you know what? I realized that since doing these Christmas letters, after I get to myself, I’m pretty exhausted! Hahaha! Just trust that I am doing well! My heart feels incredibly full and abundantly blessed loving on my crazy crew and keeping busy! I was so very thankful to be able to go to California to be with my dad, Russ. I thoroughly enjoyed reconnecting and spending much needed time with my family. I deeply miss them and just don’t realize it, until I am with them again. It’s always so hard to have to say goodbye. Distance is awful! But, I am ever grateful for those moments together!
I sincerely pray that you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and a most wonderful Happy New Year’s! May our good and gracious Lord bless you this coming year!
With Lots and Lots of Love, The Morris Crew!
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