Thursday, December 20, 2018

Family Christmas Letter ~ 2018

Dear Family and Friends,

Another year has gone by...and way too stinking quickly! Can I tell you a secret? So, I completely forgot to mail out our Christmas letter from last year! Haha! After typing it up and stuffing the envelopes, the kiddos got sick and I put them up for safekeeping and then literally forgot all about them until I just found them put “safely” away yesterday! Sigh...Oh well!

I hope and pray as this year comes to an end, and as you look back, that you are flooded with wonderful memories! I pray that your times of happiness, were truly joyous and that your heartbreaks, may have been comforted...And all year long, surrounded in love! 

We had quite the year! New adventures, unexpected blessings and the same fun everyday busyness that keeps us on our toes! I noticed when I look back, I’m often exhausted at just the thought of having done all that...Hahaha!

So, please sit back and enjoy a little bit of our life...

Victoria, John and I flew to California over Thanksgiving to spend some time with my father, Russ. I’m sure most of you know by now, with all of my social media postings that he had BOTH heart and liver transplants! He is doing wonderfully! He’s now out of the hospital, which he is absolutely thrilled about, and is renting an apartment just down the street from the hospital. He still has a long way to go with recovery, but we are truly thankful with his progress. Gary will be flying back to spend some time with him during the recovery period this coming February. I’m a little jealous, but because his immune system is very sensitive right now, he can’t be around little ones. So, I’m thankful Gary can go to help him. Dad will also be receiving a kidney sometime in 2019 after his recovery period from the current transplants. I would so greatly appreciate your continued prayers for him!

Our family is contemplating something pretty huge for 2019...Purchasing and remodeling our current home that we are renting (we’ve lived here since mid 2010) or moving into a new home in a different neighborhood. We see lots of pro’s and con’s in doing both, so this is a really tough decision! Many prayers appreciated for God’s very clear direction!

And now onto the kiddos…

Victoria - She’s been keeping herself super insanely busy with work, dance, acting in community plays and her boyfriend, Jacob...Haha! She took this school semester off for two reasons...One, she’s now taken all of the classes they offer pertaining to her major, AND two...She was recently accepted into the university that she originally really wanted to attend!!! Woo-Hoo!!! Unfortunately, when she first applied, her high school grade point average wasn’t as awesome as she is...Haha! She never pouted, threw herself a pity party or gave up! Instead she enrolled at a local community college and busted her chops! She fully intended on attending there for about two years and then “hopefully” transferring over afterwards. Well, it was only a year later that she was accepted because she incredibly rocked out her GPA!!! I am so proud of her hard work, determination and tenacious spirit! So this winter she’ll be joining their theater department amongst all other activities that include all things dance, acting, singing, music...basically performing!

Jordan - Well, this crazy kid just turned 18 years old on the 14th of December!!! He’s legally an adult...Ahhh!!! Thank goodness he knows that he still needs us, cause I’d completely freak out if he thought any different...Haha! No seriously, he’s a great kid and honestly, I know he’ll do great things! He’s a Senior this year, which means he’s graduating! He has no plans, as of now, to attend a four year college. His grades are awesome and his teachers, both former and currently, adore him! He says that he’s just tired of “the game” of school. To hear his reasoning, it’s hard to argue...He’s a great persuader! I don’t know, maybe he should go into politics...Haha! He is though thinking about some business schooling. He wants to go into business with dad and get involved into community. His heart is huge and his dreams are big! I know God has plans for our guy!

Kaylie - She’s a Sophmore in high school and all about her phone...Haha! She’s taking Drama this year and isn’t quite sure if it’s for her just yet, but is sticking it out! She’s still involved in her art and is talented! Music and her boyfriend, Xavier are her favorite interests! She truly enjoys her alone time, just sitting in her room and either drawing, listening to music or scrolling on her phone. But, there are plenty of times that girl will be right at your side keeping you company, talking your ear off as she helps you cook dinner or wash the dishes She’s really becoming her own person and trying to figure out this thing called life! I told her when she gets it all, to tell me ‘cause I’m trying to do the same...Haha!

Grace - 8th grade...Her last year of Middle School! And, she’s ready for it to be over...Haha! Us...No, not so much! She’s continuing with Choir this year and is really doing a fabulous job! She’s even taught herself to play the ukulele by watching YouTube videos! I would say singing, music and makeup are for sure this girl’s passions right now! She often spends time in her room writing songs and singing. She says that if she isn’t a singer one day, she’d like to be a makeup artist. She’s very detail oriented, so I could totally see that about her! This girl is a big dreamer and she’s got the talent to achieve them, so I say dream on!

Isabella - This year Bella is attending our local Catholic school and is in the 6th grade. We were all pretty nervous about sending her to school, but that girl not only took it really well, but jumped right in! She’s involved in almost every single thing there is to be involved in available to her! Basketball, flag football, choir, band club, drama club and then once spring sports start, she’ll be involved in those too! I really tried to stop her and get her to slow down, but that just made her desire to fly like the little social butterfly she is, worse! Hahaha! So, I figured I’d just let her try all the things...all of them...and let her decide what she likes and what she doesn’t. Problem is, she literally likes everything! Every...thing! So, obviously she’s doing awesome and we’re really glad we made this decision. So is she...even though she won’t admit to it. Who wants to admit they like school? We ask how her day went and she’ll answer, “Well, you know, it’s school and whatever…” Hahaha! Ya, she’s just way too cool, you know?

Joshua - Big 4th grader over here! He’s got so many interests, but mostly it’s video games...and YouTube...Haha! That boy has all of the Fortnite secrets to win the game and even all those crazy dances down! Speaking of dance...He really has got some moves of his own! And he can sing too! His favorite band right now is Imagine Dragons. I actually really like them too! He will play songs over and over until he knows them word for word and then have us sit down so he can put a show on for us! I just love it! This past year he took a hiphop class which really seemed to get him out of his shy shell and made him super brave! He even wanted to audition for a community production of Charlotte’s Web. He ended up not getting a part, but only because the schedule would have interfered with baseball. He’s all signed up for hiphop again this year, which starts up in January and he’s already been practicing his moves...Haha!

Bryanna - Our little baby girl is in 2nd grade! What?! I have to keep reminding myself that she’s not still 3 years old...Hahaha! Sigh...Goes by just way too fast! She’s still very much into all things girly, frilly, glittery and magical! And, if it has rainbows, unicorns and mermaids included...Bonus!!! She’s doing ballet, tap and jazz again this year...this is her 4th year in dance and she is loving it! She says that she wants to be a dance teacher when she grows up...or an astronaut. She also says that she wants 10 kids...Haha! She does baby her little brother...and our cats Nacho and CoCo!

John - Our littlest baby is 2 years old! And he sure is a spitfire!!! I used to laugh off when people would say “terrible two’s”. I still do, but I kind of get it now...Haha! I would say it’s “rambunctious two’s” or maybe “dangerous two’s” or more like “I am going to place myself in complete and utter danger two’s”...You know? Something like that. He has no fear! He will climb up and jump off of anything! I try to tell him that mama has a heart condition, but nah, he’s not hearing any of it! He also has such a creative imagination! He will come up with the cutest things and want you to come and play too! “I’m a big big dino! See me Mama? I’m gonna get you! Play dinos Mama? Please?” How could I ever say no? And, he’s got quite the sense of humor already! We might be in trouble as he gets older...Haha! He’s going to have a sarcastic streak, I can totally tell! But, he also has a precious, sweet and sensitive heart. Little John is the most snuggliest, cuddliest, lovingliest baby boy in the whole entire universe! I soak up those cuddles, ‘cause one day...Nope, not even going there right now! He’s still totally my baby boy...That’s it...The end!

As for Gary - His business continues to flourish modestly year by year. Each year doubling in revenue. God is truly blessing him! He is very excited for this coming new year! 2019 is already looking very promising in the areas of growth...New staff and new clients! We pray the Lord continues to provide in huge ways!

And then me, Christina…or Tina! - Well, you know what? I realized that since doing these Christmas letters, after I get to myself, I’m pretty exhausted! Hahaha! Just trust that I am doing well! My heart feels incredibly full and abundantly blessed loving on my crazy crew and keeping busy! I was so very thankful to be able to go to California to be with my dad, Russ. I thoroughly enjoyed reconnecting and spending much needed time with my family. I deeply miss them and just don’t realize it, until I am with them again. It’s always so hard to have to say goodbye. Distance is awful! But, I am ever grateful for those moments together!

I sincerely pray that you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and a most wonderful Happy New Year’s! May our good and gracious Lord bless you this coming year!

With Lots and Lots of Love, The Morris Crew! 

Monday, November 19, 2018

A Precious Gift: Dad's Transplant Journey

Major update for our Father Russ, who has been awaiting a TRIPLE transplant of the heart, liver and kidney. The original posting of his journey is found here and is really quite the story! I haven’t updated in a while because we’ve just been overwhelmed about this whole journey! But, you can follow our FB page where there are regular updates on how things are moving along and letting everyone know how he’s doing. Please check it out here! We also have a GoFundMe account set up. If you are able to and feel led to do so, you may donate to the family fund here, which will make it possible to be with him to help during his recovery time.

Late Wednesday, November 14, 2018 (well, technically it was after midnight my time, so super early Thursday morning!), only about 4 months since dad entered the hospital, I get a call and I see it’s dad. I know it must be important since it’s the middle of the night, but I don’t freak out...I have this complete sense of peace and answer the phone. He’s calm too and says that they’ve got a donor! Well, they think this might be it. But, I can tell that he feels this is it...I felt it too...We all did! I already had a flight booked for a visit with him that I was literally leaving for that Friday! Almost immediately I worry that maybe I shouldn’t go...He insisted that I should still come and to storm the place if they didn’t let me in to see him...Haha! I was nervous because I didn’t really know what to expect when I got to the hospital. Would he be ok? How would he look? Would they restrict my time with him? I knew my original plan for the visit would look very different, but I also knew that this whole journey has been held by God’s mighty hand, and His plans seem to go differently than mine pretty often...Haha! I was just so thankful to be able to go there to be with him...To just sit with him while he rested, hold his hand, talk to him and let him know that we’re there. As I boarded the plane, he lay in recovery after being in surgery for hours...I was so very overwhelmed!

Surgery was very long! The heart transplant was first. The dr’s said that the heart was beautiful and strong! The transplant went fantastically and with no complications. As soon as they did the transplant, his new heart began pumping all on its own! We were all ecstatic! Now on to the liver! The liver team also said that the liver was strong...pristine even! They were very excited about this liver for dad! As they began working on removing the old liver, they noticed that a previous infection caused a significant amount of scar tissue on and surrounding his liver. The scarring made it very difficult to remove and ended up being a very intense was as if they had to chisel the old liver out being very cautious as to not damage any surrounding blood vessels, etc. The removal added unexpected time, and unfortunately stress to the overall surgery. His beautiful new heart was under a significant amount of stress. They needed to make a decision...Do they continue with the kidney transplant, placing even further stress on his already very stressed new heart? Do they instead let the kidney go, in hopes to regain the health and strength of the new organs? They chose the latter. This was hard to hear at first, but I knew that God has been with dad so miraculously the whole way...and He isn’t going anywhere now! He has a plan for this and I trust Him! Dad will need to be on regular weekly dialysis for about a year. BUT, since he was going into surgery expecting and being promised a kidney, and did not receive one, he will be placed at the top of the list for a new kidney!

Because of the stress on the new heart, he was put on a heart assist machine (ECMO). The new heart is still pumping and doing the work, but this is to help take some of the stress off so that it can rest. He was still “open” because they do the transplant surgery of the liver in two steps. They let the body rest and then go back to connect the bile ducts. They didn’t have a surgery date right away because it was imperative that the condition and stability of his new heart improved beforehand.

I finally get to see him the next morning (Saturday, November 15, 2018)...He looks like he’s been through so much, but also really good...pale, but good. I was overwhelmed with emotion, as you can imagine! He just received a second chance at life! What an amazing time we live, where surgeries like these are even possible!

Dad's nurse tells me that he’s doing really well...They are going to do the second half of the surgery to connect the bile ducts! I was so relieved, excited, nervous! They said we could walk down with to the operating room...up until the “red line”. That whole walk I held his hand, encouraged him, prayed with him...and even though I tried to be brave for him, I couldn’t help but cry. I was thankful, yet nervous! We were so close to the finish line!

Surgery was about 4 hours...His liver was working beautifully! Unfortunately they discovered that during the removal of the old liver, there was an area of the bowels underneath the stomach that was damaged. The dr. said that it may have been fine and wasn’t going to do much about it, but because he felt that there was even a small possibility of it leading to any further complications, he just couldn’t let it go. The dr. was able to patch the area up so it won’t be an issue. They did place a feeding tube in to allow the area to completely heal. Even so, I could tell that the liver was doing its job, because his color was looking great! He already looked like he was healing! We said goodnight and told dad, we’d be back in the morning...He definitely needed his rest! The nurse told us that they would try to wake him as they lowered his sedation sometime throughout the night. They would call us and let us know.

Sleep was awful! I kept waking up thinking I missed their call! But morning came and no call. I have to admit I was disappointed, I think we all were. But, I reminded myself he’s been through sooo much...He needs this rest!

Later that morning we discovered that during the night they did try to wake him, but his blood pressure dropped and he became very agitated with the breathing tube (ventilator) and just the fact that this is scary for him to wake up from, and so they needed to increase the sedation. They also needed to add more blood pressure medicine. BUT, here’s some good news...Dad’s brother (Uncle Jimmy) heard the nursing staff during rounds and was told that dad was already off the new blood pressure medicine! He also learned that his kidneys produced some urine, not enough to eliminate dialysis, but this was great news! This shows that even though his kidneys are still so very badly damaged, there’s still some life in them...Praise God!

Dad’s chest tubes are still draining blood, but the amount has decreased everyday. This is perfect! They have been turning down the level of support from the heart assist machine (ECMO) a little at a time and seeing improvements! His new heart is doing a lot of the work on its own! They also discussed continuing the reduction of the sedatives, trying again to awake him and possibly even removing the ventilator!

The biggest news is from this afternoon (Sunday, November 17, 2018)!

Dad opened his eyes!!! He is responding to our voices and is even squeezing our hands! He’s not really fighting against the breathing tube, he is though very groggy still, but is responsive...he’s got lots to say, we can tell by the way he looks into our eyes! They tell us that he’s doing great and his heart is doing more and more work on its own! He is trying to talk and breathe on his own! He’s just got one more procedure to take him off the heart assist machine (ECMO) and then to remove the ventilator. He’s doing so great! God is so incredibly good! This whole thing just seems so surreal! We’ve been talking about the “List”...and we’re here! What a miraculous blessed gift of life! What an amazing journey!

Please continue to pray for our, son, friend to so many! Each new day brings even better news and more improvements!

Please join us in prayers of thankfulness for his amazing team of dr’s, nurses, technicians, all the medical professionals over his care...May God continue to guide them.

Please pray for the life giving generosity of the donor and for their loved ones. May our God of peace and comfort hold them closely during this time.

Thank you so very much for your prayers!

Holding dad's hand...What a blessing! I'm so thankful!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Living On The List...A Transplant Journey

I'd like to share with you a story of a man who has been through so much...and yet through it all has remained courageous and hopeful!

It was early Spring of 1996 and I was anxiously awaiting his arrival...

What would he think of me? Would I be what he expected? What was he even expecting?! 

"Miss? We're ready to order..Miss?!" 

Oops! Ok, back to reality...I had tables full of customers and it's right in the middle of our dinner rush. I just needed to relax and focus. It was so hard because I was expecting him any time now! Anytime now, he'd walk in and ask to be seated in my section...Anytime now, I'd be meeting him face to face! 

I somehow managed to get all of my tables ordered and food delivered...Whew, I finally had a second to breath and gather my thoughts! 

All of a sudden I get this "feeling"...This rush of emotions and a tug on my heart. I look up...I see him...he's walking towards my section...towards me. Our eyes meet and I suddenly realize that I don't need any introduction...I feel a sense of calm over me. I know it's him...And, I know he's my father. I can tell he sees it too...He knows that I am his daughter! We barely even say hello before we are standing there for what seems like such a long time hugging and laughing...tears in both of our eyes! 

This was my first meeting of my "real dad" biological father, Russell Blanchard. 
Well, now technically I did see him throughout my childhood, but it was only just a few times and up until I was about maybe 11 or 12. I was now 18 and almost positive he was my dad...not just the high school friend of my parents. Seems like a plot for some tv movie, but this was real real life! 

Very long adventurous story short...We discovered that this man is indeed my dad. Lots of years and lots of love later, and he's very very special to me!

Right now, he's currently on an adventure of his own...A very serious one. Let me share with you who Russ is, and allow you the opportunity to experience his “Transplant Journey”!

Russ has had to battle multiple heart issues since his mid-thirties. Each heart attack, even minor ones take a toll and weaken the heart function. In December of 2015, Russ was put into the hospital after meeting with his cardiologist because he was having a minor heart attack and had excessive fluid build up. The next day while he was in the hospital his Father passed away from a lengthy battle with prostate cancer. Russ' family went to the hospital to visit and inform him of his father's passing. That evening, his heart stopped. We are all thankful he was in the hospital when this happened. He was able to get life saving measures immediately such as CPR, Defibrillation, and I.V. medications to restart his heart. As a result of his heart failure he sustained several broken ribs and additional damage to his heart. Several of his other organs were compromised from this event and his continued heart failure. Russ was put into a lengthy induced COMA to allow his body to start healing. After the coma we also learned that his heart was only functioning at about 30% and that he needed an implanted defibrillator/pacemaker. It took Russ several weeks to regain his memory and several months in a rehab hospital to regain the strength to be independent. Even after all that, Russ continued with Cardiac Rehab on his own over the next 12 months. During that time he was released to go back to work. He started out slow but it wasn’t long before he was back to working 50 plus hours a week at a very stressful position in the company he was working for. With continued decline of his heart's function the doctor’s put him on 100% disability.

In May of 2017, Russ was diagnosed with Stage 2 Prostate Cancer...The very same cancer that took his father. He was devastated...but determined. Plans for treatment were quickly being worked out. Because of the recent heart attack and cardiac arrest, he was not a candidate for surgery (prostatectomy - removal of the prostate) due to the fragility of his heart which was only functioning now at about 24%. They frankly told him that they did not believe he would survive surgery. The oncologist instead planned for him to start radiation therapy as an alternative treatment. Russ went to each therapy session all on his in and day out. His children live in 4 different states each one with families of our own...a plane ride away, making finances tight. Russ’ mother, step-mother and siblings all live hours away in different areas of California. He put on a brave face and did what needed to be done. This inevitably took a toll on him for the negative and further worsened his heart health. His heart failure was getting so badly that he had to have a weekly (painful) procedure (paracentesis) done where they’d remove fluid build up from his abdomen. They would remove 6-8 liters a week...Sometimes even as much as 11 or 12! That is almost equivalent to more than 22 lbs of fluid being pressed against his diaphragm, placing much pressure on his lungs and stomach; making breathing, sleeping, and eating intolerable to the point of almost impossible!

During his treatments for the prostate cancer and his regular heart appointments, he got some hopeful news! He could possibly be a candidate for a heart transplant...But there were some tests to make sure. He and the family rejoiced and hoped for the best! This was a very much needed positive! During the testing process, he learned that he would have to be cancer free for about 2 years before he could ever even be qualified to be placed on the transplant list. This was disheartening, but Russ remained hopeful and carried on with cancer treatments, heart appointments and fluid removal procedures. He had a wonderful team of dr’s routing for him, fighting for and advocating for him!

Shortly after his radiation therapy ended, he learned that there may still be a chance for him to be placed on the list. He just needed a few more tests to confirm that he was now cancer free. He knew this meant that he would have to endure much more invasive poking and prodding then his already very tired and exhausted body had to experience. But, his strength and hope were renewed in the possibility of a second chance at life! During these testings, they discovered that he had Cardiac Cirrhosis of the Liver. The condition was caused from his heart failure and fluid retention putting extreme pressure on his liver and causing it to overwork. He was told that he would no longer be qualified as a candidate for a heart transplant because the new heart would overwhelm his damaged liver and inevitably cause it to shut down. This began talks for a double transplant of both a heart and liver. Which of course brought on more testing...and even further tested Russ’ already over tested body...and mind!

Russ not only had a “heart team”, but now a “liver team”. They worked together to determine what the very best plan of action would be for Russ. All the while Russ was keeping his multiple dr’s visits weekly for fluid removal, blood tests, heart appointments, etc…

The two seperate teams were often in disagreement over if and or when he should be placed on the national transplant registry. One team wanted him to be cancer free for a certain period of time, the other team would fight back and state that he just didn’t have that time to survive! There were green lights...and then immediate red lights. Through every bump in the road Russ remained ever patient...hopeful for a new life to spend with his children, lots of grandchildren and even great-grandchild!

Finally on July 20, 2018, he received a wonderful phone call! He was approved and added to the National Transplant Registry under 1-A! He was told to get his things in order and to report to UCLA Medical Center on Friday, July 27th to be admitted...He’d be prepped and awaiting his much needed organs. His heart was functioning at only about 18% at this time. Things were moving quickly! We have all prayed for this day and it was finally here! It was long awaited and it all just seemed so surreal to him and the many others who adore him! The dr’s told him that he may be waiting a couple of weeks to even a couple of months. He quickly got acquainted with his team of dr’s, nurses and other hospital staff involved in his care. And quickly got into his new routine of “waiting on the list”. He had much more testing and lots more poking and prodding. As a couple of weeks passed by, Russ soon realized that this waiting was going to be difficult. His freedom is very limited and he is only allowed to take short walks on his floor. This is because they want to make sure that he remains in good health. He also has to endure a very painful procedure called a Swan-Ganz Catheter Placement. This is the insertion of a thin tube through the main artery in his neck leading to and threaded through the right side of his heart (atrium, ventricle, arteries and veins) leading to his lungs. The purpose is to monitor his heart function and the blood flow and pressure in and around his heart and lungs. He is given local anesthesia but still feels so much of the pain and must be awake for the procedure. The catheter needs to be removed and replaced on the opposite side every 10-14 days. As you can imagine, he is physically drained afterwards!

On August 30, 2018, He received THE call! A donor was possibly accepted and they were prepping him for possible surgery for the transplants! As he lay in the surgery room the medial staff were in the next room testing both organs. We all received word that this would be a no-go. The liver was great, but the heart wasn’t as healthy as they originally thought. Because he needs both a heart and liver, the transplants need to be done at the same time and from the same donor. The transplant was called off. Feelings of confusion, defeat and discouragement fell upon our family. This was hard to take. He needed those organs...But, God had other plans and Russ still wasn’t giving up!

The next few days seemed to get harder and harder. His heart function fluctuates between 10%-14%. His kidney function was starting to lessen and his blood counts were dangerously low. They decided that they better move forward with a blood transfusion. A blood transfusion at this stage in the game can complicate things further, as blood transfusions introduce foreign antibodies which may pose a risk of them possibly attacking the new organs. With this risk and now his kidney function being so low, he can’t help but wonder, “What next, God?” All the while continuing to pray and also asking for prayer. At this point most of us would have given up all hope long ago...But, not Russ!

Russ’ dr’s are now talking about possibly doing a TRIPLE transplant...Heart, liver and kidney(s)! UCLA Medical Center has successfully done this...It’s not very common, but it has amazingly been done and we all have hope! ALL 3 organs will need to be from the very same donor and done at the same time. The wait is now longer than the original expected, “a couple weeks to a couple months”. He will be waiting indefinitely until he receives those much needed organs. The waiting is so very hard on him. As to be expected there are days where depression takes over, but there are days of hope too! He misses his family and we miss him terribly! We want nothing more than to be able to be with him and to support hold his hand and hug him. The wait may be long...but when that exciting day comes, his surgery will be very intense and his recovery and healing even longer! Once he is able to leave the hospital, he will be required to move near the facility so that they can regularly monitor his health closely. This process takes about a year. Russ’ dr’s are preparing him and our family to expect a long recovery period. He will need constant care. We are each planning to be there for regular visits to make sure that we are all spending that necessary time with him. Being there with him during this recovery period is so crucial for a successful recovery and complete healing!

Russ is holding onto his faith! With each new bump in the road, he stays steadfast. He is patient and positive! Always making sure to choose kindness, gentleness, and remaining loving to others. Never succumbing to hopelessness. His dr’s, nurses and hospital staff just love him and sincerely want to see him through this! His strength surpasses anything I have ever known! God has truly been with him during this whole process and has paved the way so miraculously! When doors shut, God opened others! We firmly believe that’s why the transplant surgery was called off...because God was faithfully protecting him! He knew that Russ would need this third organ...a true blessing in disguise! It’s sometimes hard to find the right words to pray...For Russ to receive what he desperately needs to live his life, another must lose theirs. That’s tough to really process. We pray for God’s will. We pray for the selfless generosity of the donor and their precious gift of life. We pray for the donor’s family and loved ones who will have to endure heartbreaking loss. We pray for all the dr’s, nurses and medical team involved in his care! We pray for God’s continued protection and goodness!

Russ and our family are so very grateful for the many of you who know his story and are already praying! We ask that you share his story and continue to pray! We covet and deeply appreciate all of your prayers!

Again, thank you so very much for your support and for taking the time to read “Russ’ Transplant Journey”!

Here is the FaceBook link to follow dad's amazing story...
Living on the List…..

Dad & Us Kids