Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Looking for a Cause to Get Behind?

We all want to help, don't we? There's this thing instilled in our hearts that wants to do more...To give more. And when we are serving others, it just feels good, doesn't it? Like we're a part of something much bigger than ourselves, right? Well, I've got something big for you!

There is this sweet couple (Matt & Helen) that my family pretty much adores. A few years ago they answered the call to missionary work! Although Helen was no stranger to missionary work. She had already been very involved before they met. She had a God-given desire to return to it and soon Matt started feeling the tug as well. It wasn't long after that they together as a couple jumped in! They have been to many different places in both the Middle East and Asia...faithfully serving the Lord together through teaching and humanitarian work. We love them very much and miss them often. We praise God for their brave servant hearts!

They've recently answered another call...In parenthood. God sovereignly placed a beautiful little baby girl in their path and very quickly into their hearts. We will call this sweet little one "Baby A". Her fate is desperate. See, her birth-mother feels she has no choice but to leave the country for a better and safer life. Sadly she must relinquish her rights as mother. The birth-mother has already rejected offers to buy Baby A. Selling babies in this part of the world (and into the sex trade) is rampant! She wants instead to find a good home for her. Our friends are praying for the means to be able to adopt precious Baby A. They are trusting our mighty God to move mountains!

This is where YOU come in. Are you willing to help? This is that something bigger than yourself that you can feel awesome about being a part of! Will you open your heart to this cause? I hate to sound like those crazy emotional commercials with the sappy music playing...but this is truly a desperate situation. Please join our family in praying for Matt, Helen and Baby A. Please share their story. And, please give...There is no such thing as too small of a gift!

Here's the link to their story and updates...

Precious Baby A
Just look at that big beautiful smile!