I haven't posted in a really long time...Busy with our 7 kiddos and my new adventure of homeschooling! Before you think I'm amazing to be homeschooling 7 children...No...Only 3 of our 7 homeschool...and then out of those 3, only 2 are doing "real" school...My youngest just turned 4 and does "fun school"...Haha! Although I'd LOVE to homeschool all 7, being that we are a "blendy-fam", we just don't have that freedom...But, God is still so good.
Anyway, what made me want to blog today? Well, I was cleaning a gross nasty toilet...For God's glory! Hahaha! Well, not at first...At first I was pretty ticked actually about cleaning the gross nasty toilet! See, I was currently on one of my "Mom Strikes" when the toilet flooded over and because there was already a mess, the new mess added to the fun. Sigh...I wish I'd learn that going on my "Mom Strikes" don't help, but alas I never do! What is a "Mom Strike" you ask? Well, for me it means that I am throwing about a week long prideful silent temper tantrum where I sit on my high horse, do the bare minimum and make others feel guilty about not doing enough to help around the house...Lovely, right? See, the problem with this is that it doesn't help. What happens is that things start to pile up and just get gross and dirty and nasty. Eventually the fam starts to help...Not cause they love me and want to help me, but because they feel guilty and then begrudgingly assist...And because my silent temper tantrum has turned into more of an angry troll growling dance that scares them into submission!
I started off cleaning the toilet with these thoughts, "Ugh...Why am I the only one who cleans the bathrooms?! Why do they always clog the toilet?! Why don't they listen when I say not to use so much stinkin' dang toilet paper?! Why don't they help more?! Why?! Why?! Why?!"
All of a sudden...Boom...It hit me...Right in the heart..."Clean this toilet for the glory of God!"
I would like to say right then and there my attitude changed...Nope...Not me...I argued, "Ya right!"
Then again in my heart..."Clean this toilet as if you are cleaning it for God!"
"How?! I am soooo stinkin' mad!" I screamed...Inside my head of course, cause that would have been pretty awkward to yell that in the bathroom all by myself.
All of a sudden I felt my heart start to change...I became very emotional. I was mad because "they" didn't do enough for me. I threw temper tantrums because I felt entitled to something that "they" weren't giving. "They" are my family...The ones I love...The ones I have been gifted by God! "They" aren't the enemy...They are my heart!
I started thinking...When my little ones make messes, my husband doesn't help do the laundry, or my little guy uses too much toilet paper and causes a mini explosion...They are still my gift from God. Do they maliciously do what they do? Of course not. My younger kiddos will play and forget to pick up their toys...They will leave dirty socks on the living room floor...My husband and older kiddos will not want to help with laundry...or dishes...My family will make the toilet overflow from stuffing waaay too much toilet paper down...It's not because they want to purposely upset me or stress me out...It's cause they are not perfect...But, neither am I. How dare I throw prideful temper tantrums as if I am any better. God has chosen to love me unconditionally with all of my many many many faults, failures and imperfections! I will chose not to obsess over what my family doesn't do, but rather focus on, cherish and celebrate all they do!
My little 4 year old Bryanna loves to help make beds, load the silverware into the dishwasher, feed the puppy, and snuggle like crazy with her Mama!
My 6 year old Joshua loves to help me teach his 4 year old sister colors, shapes, letters and numbers. He likes helping me make meals and pour the soap into the washing machine. He is full of adventure and loves telling me stories he's made up before bed. He still holds my hand while falling to sleep.
My 8 year old Isabella is like my little shadow! She is always ready and waiting to be asked and eager to help with a task. She has such a servants heart and will often put others before herself. She enjoys going grocery shopping with me and running other errands. She loves helping with her younger brother and sister. She tries to keep all of the siblings united and at peace. You can expect her to request several quick snuggle sessions throughout the day...and she sure does love the Lord!
My 10 year old Grace is always wanting to be asked to help too...It doesn't matter how big or how small...She wants to help in anyway that she can! She is sensitive and loves to love and be loved!
My almost 12 year old Kaylie is such sweet company...She will sit with me while I'm working away in the kitchen and we'll have the best conversations about school, friends, music and God. She's a tough girl on the outside, but is tender and gentle at heart.
My 14 year old Jordan takes good care of his Mama! He is always helping me even without me asking...He seems to know just what it is that I need even before I do! He makes sure that I rest when needed and won't let me over do it. He is a wonderful big brother and spends special time with each of his younger siblings. He has a wonderful and witty sense of humor! He is creative and full of curiosity! He's very bright and enjoys teaching me new things he's learned and sharing his ideas. He has such a sensitive and compassionate heart for others. He has such a heart for the Lord...I pray God continues to draw him closer to Himself!
My almost 17 year old Victoria is my treasure! She is truly a mini-me...Haha! This girl can cook a meal, answer the phone, load the dishwasher, check her I-Pod...all at the very same time...and with a baby on her hip! She has spent many nights down with me in the basement laughing, listening to music, talking and getting laundry washed, folded and organized. She helps me with all 6 of her siblings and even babysits...without complaint! She even has plans after highschool to not move very far for college so that she can still help with her brothers and sisters! She has become one of my closest friends...God has been so gracious to me...I look forward to seeing the woman, wife, mother she becomes.
My husband Gary works so hard! God has blessed him with the ability to provide for our large family while I am able to stay home. He never complains that I don't do enough...Ever. He never complains that we don't have enough...Ever. He works all day long at work and then comes home and will sit and listen to me talk for almost an hour without taking a breath...Just to turn around and spend more time with the kiddos for about another hour or so. He helps me get dinner going and set out for our kiddos. He brings his Bible to the dinner table each night to make sure that we get our Family Devotion time together. Finally around 8:00 he rests...While also multi-tasking between working at home on the computer and playing dragons, building Lego castles, dancing with Barbies, wrestling, having tickle fights and listening to the kids talk about their day. The timer set on his IPhone reminds him that he needs to remind his wife to take her heart meds at 10:00pm. After the rest of his family goes to bed...He studies...The word of God. He is always learning and growing in Christ...and excited to share that with others. He is my best friend and the love of my life!
I will chose to think about these things they do and these things that make up who they are rather than what I feel they don't do. I will chose to clean my toilet and serve my family for the glory of God...Thanking Him and Praising Him for the gift of my family and their hearts to serve me with love!