The 180 Movie Team had a very big day yesterday...
Teams of regular folks who love both the Lord and the precious un-born, went out all over this country (and even other countries) to college campuses handing out copies of the 180 Movie...

To see a list of schools & a number of how many DVD's were distributed at that specific school click HERE...
People have even been blogging about it...Below is an excerpt from one of my very favorite blogs called Redeemedography. Ok, it's my Hubster's blog...
..."My prayer the night prior to this event was, “Right now there are some women that are pregnant and contemplating abortion. Lord give them a heart to even just ask for something as simple as a sign from you. Then place that DVD in their hands to prevent the killing of the beautiful babies in their wombs. But Lord do not stop there, save their souls. Cause this pregnancy, thoughts of abortion, and the placing of this DVD in their hands as a means to repentance and faith upon hearing the good news of Christ!”...
To read this post in it's entirety please click HERE
They even got some news coverage...