Friday, September 30, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
"Remind Them, Jesus..."

My sweet little "Bella-rina" was dancing all around the living room this morning singing a beautiful song that she made up to "her Jesus". As I listened to the words she sang and watched her dance, I was amazed at how genuinely she was truly singing praises to Him...just seemed like it was just her heart and His. As she sang and danced for Jesus, one of our other little ones said, "How lucky Bella is, she's so lucky to have a happy song in her heart!" Oh, how I agree! I just closed my eyes and praised God for "His loving grace pouring out!"
Here are the words to Bella's song...
The love of Jesus, The love of Jesus
His love pours out, His love pours out
I love my Jesus because He loves me
Time is running, Time is running out
Please remind them, Please remind them Jesus
Time is running out, Please remind them Jesus
His mercy is flowing, His mercy is flowing all around
His grace is pouring, His grace is pouring out
Time is running out, Please remind them Jesus
The love of Jesus, The love of Jesus
I love my Jesus because He loves me
His loving grace is pouring out!
These words sung so softly and so sweetly by my little girl twirling and dancing all around, not even yet 5 years old...made my heart so grateful that my God is most sovereign! The reminder that He saved a wretch like me, so undeserved, so unworthy...What Amazing Grace...What an Amazing God!!!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Adventures with a Homeschooler, A Potty Training Toddler, A Newborn, and A Bee
Our 3rd Day of Homeschooling...well Pre-K Homeschooling...and we are still alive...and enjoying it!!! Little Bella was very sad at the thought of big brother and big sisters off to school and she'd be without her playmates. So, I asked her if maybe she'd like to "go to school" too, but at home. "No, I'm to little...I'll be to afraid!" She said. "Not at a school building Honey...I mean we'll do school stuff here at know, like sissy did before." I said...secretly kinda hoping that she'd not really dig the idea...I know, I know...Why offer it if I didn't want to actually do it? But, she was crying and I was feeling sad for her and then my stinkin' mouth spilled out words before I could stop it...Anyways...Bella LOVED the idea!!! Not only did she totally dig the idea, but she also thought it would be fun for her little brother Joshua (AKA Joshy) to "attend" our school as well...YAY!!! UH-OH!!!
Let the FUN Begin...
This Tuesday was Back-to-School...Bella was very sad to see them go...right after breakfast though, she kindly reminded me that we were supposed to do school be honest, I wasn't ready or prepared...I had nothing planned...I was really thinking maybe we'd start this "school" thing after the New Year. She stared up at me with her big ol' beautiful brown eyes and smiling so excitedly..."Right Mom?" What was I supposed to do? She's pretty stinkin' adorable...I gave in. I threw anything and everything together...and it was fun.
Today though has been quite the adventure...
Bella was full of "vim and vinegar"...or vigor...or however that saying goes. She still of course wanted to do school today...and so we did. Joshy, by the way is in the process of being potty'd never know it though if you weren't his Mama...this has been quite the fun task! Anyway, He's been a potty training maniac today...He keeps asking to go potty just to get the coveted reward (fruit snacks or tomatoes), but then zip, zilch, nada...Then, my beautiful little 6 month old wants to snuggle ALL DAY LONG...she is not digging the whole me putting her down for a second thing at all today...she had a rough time in the nursery at church last night, so there's no way she's letting me out of her sight right now...this also makes potty training a spider monkey...errr...ummm...I mean toddler rather difficult as well...and as a matter of fact she's sitting in my lap right at this very moment...Ok, so if all that's not enough to end our school for the day...a bee...a ginormous bee flies in and freaks us all out!!! At that scary moment I had Joshy on the potty, Bella dancing on her chair and singing very loudly while coloring her "red" paper, I was pouring a cup of coffee (God's beautiful blessing of a gift) and holding baby Bryanna while she was cooing and sucking on my chin...
"AHHHHHHH..." Bella runs into the kitchen and hides in a corner, I put the coffee cup down, put Bryanna in her snazzy jungle bouncer, shut the bathroom door so Joshy doesn't freak out anymore than he already is, take a sip of coffee (for power or something) and grab the broom...This bee obviously doesn't understand what he just did!!! I have not allowed any the day's "fun" events up until now disrupt our flow...and this jerk thinks he can just waltz right in and end it?! I don't think so stinkin' bee!!! So, I swatted at him...which was actually pretty dumb for me to do, because he then decided that he really didn't like that and wanted to show me just how ticked off he was..."AHHHHHHH..." again!!! I ran and hid too...Ok, that's it...Now I'm really mad...So, I "Army Crawl" over to the door and open it...then I grab the broom and swat at him again...then run!!! He eventually flies out the door and I slam it shut!!! Woo-Hoo!!!
"Yay did it...Ok, back to school work!" Bella squeals.
Hmmm...What was I thinking?
Bella "The Homeschooler"
Joshy "The Potty Training Toddler"
Anna-Banana "The Newborn"
NO WAY...I did not get a picture of the bee...
Monday, September 5, 2011
And there was Life...
A truly miraculous and beautiful story of "Life"...
This is a picture of little Samuel Alexander Armas. He was still in his mother's womb and was having surgery at just 21 weeks into pregnancy...

To read part 1 of this amazing story please click here
To read part 2 please click here
"...The fact of the matter is it's a child with a hand, with a life, and that's meaningful enough."
~Words from Samuel's mother Julie Armas during an interview 10 years later...that article can be read here
This is a picture of little Samuel Alexander Armas. He was still in his mother's womb and was having surgery at just 21 weeks into pregnancy...

To read part 1 of this amazing story please click here
To read part 2 please click here
"...The fact of the matter is it's a child with a hand, with a life, and that's meaningful enough."
~Words from Samuel's mother Julie Armas during an interview 10 years later...that article can be read here
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