Woke up 20 minutes late...run down the stairs trying to balance my huge ginormous pregnant self, rushed to brush my teeth, yank my hair into a lousy poor excuse for a pony tail, throw clothes at the kiddies, grab them something fast to eat in the car, drive like a maniac to make it to school on time...but not to maniac-ish cause I don't want us to die, while driving remember I left the keys sitting on the counter & now I'm locked out of the house...YAY...Wait, the garage door opener...battery dead on the garage door opener, run into the store with the kids for a new battery (and toilet paper...and diaper wipes...and soap...we needed those too!) Wait...dun-dun-dun...I'm in my pj's (Oh well, at least I was wearing a coat...and stars aren't that bad!), get home only to figure out I accidentally changed the code on the garage door opener when I changed the battery...ERRRR...walk of shame next door to ask our Landlord if he by any chance has another spare set of keys (still in my pj's), Praise God he does...his wife was wearing her pj's too...but, she's warm & toasty in her own house and I'm out in the world!!! Ya, I take the kids to school in my pj's...don't judge me!
Finally warm inside the house with 4 year old Bella and 2 year old Joshy (both in their pajamas too)...I take a deep relaxing breather and fall onto a chair and lay my head down at the table for like a microsecond...
"Mama, I'm so hungry starving why are you putting your head down on the table? Are you trying to sleep?"
"Honey...please hold on just one second...Mama is trying to relax for a minute."
"But, remember I'm starving and I didn't even have any food yet?"
"Bella, please be patient sweetie...I'm trying to not pass out."
"You're not gonna pass out."
"Honey, Mama is pooped out...I had to run around all crazy this morning. My body & my brain are sooo tired."
"Mama, you have muscles...you're like Super Woman!"
I lift my head and smile...she's so stinkin' cute when she's trying to convince me to give in to her demands...
"Alright...let's go make you guys something to eat."
He gives power to the weak,
And to those who have no might He increases strength.
Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
And the young men shall utterly fall,
But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
~Isaiah 40:29-31
I know this was meant for the people of Israel and other believers whom are waiting upon the Lord's deliverance to comfort them and encourage them in times of trials...but at this moment today, these verses were loud in my heart! Even in my own times of weakness & mini-trials...He is my strength! He will give me the power to be a "Super-Mom"...even if it's only the kids that think I am...mission accomplished!